Are you getting the sleep you deserve? Decorium's Sleepworks gallery features only the finest quality bedding products. You will spend one third of your life in bed, shouldn't you invest in the best?
Here are 4 reasons to get a good night's sleep New scientific research continues to unmask the effects of chronic sleeplessness, and the results are enough to keep you up at night! Here are four of the most devastating effects, courtesy of the America Heart Association:
• Sleep loss can lead to diabetes. A recent study shows that "people who sleep less than six hours a night appear to have a higher risk of developing impaired fasting glucose - a condition that can precede type2 diabetes.
• Sleep loss can raise your blood pressure. Another recent study found that a lost hour of sleep - one hour less than the recommended eight - increased the odds of developing high blood pressure an average of 37% over five years; skipping two hours raised the blood pressure risk by 86%. This condition can lead to heart attack, stroke or kidney failure.
• Sleep loss can make you fat. Several recent studies have confirmed that there is a link between lost sleep and weight gain. In one study, participants who slept six hours per night were 27% more likely to become obese than those sleeping seven to nine hours; people getting five hours of sleep per night were 73% more likely to become obese; and those with only two to four hours of sleep per night were 67% more likely to become obese.
• Sleep loss can make you vulnerable to cancer. Yet another recent study showed that even when people take preventive actions that have been proven to lower cancer risks (such as exercising and eating right), inadequate sleep seems to counteract those benefits.
Obviously, good sleep is crucial. When you visit Sleepworks at Decorium, you won't be confused with hundreds of different mattress models. You will only see the best! Let one of our experts take the time to explain the many features and benefits.